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A R E O L A  T A T T O O I N G

An areola tattoo, sometimes called 3D nipple tattooing is an advanced technique that requires specialized education, training, and experience in cosmetic tattooing. Offering this service to breast cancer survivors allows us to be a part of this special transformation that leads to the completion of their reconstruction journey. 

After breast reconstruction surgery is performed, many women are left without their areola and nipple. An areola tattoo is where we help with the visual regeneration to recreate an appearance that is closer to their presurgery appearance. 

Areola tattoos can help hide the scars that are left behind from a mastectomy. 

Treatment Description - Areola Tattoo:  A permanent makeup machine is used to implant pigment into the skin.  The nipple and areola are mapped onto the skin with a pre-draw of the tattoo to get the accurate size and shape of the areola that the client approves before starting the procedure. The technician will then choose the perfect color-matched pigments to be used during the procedure.  The areola tattoo will appear more vibrant the first week of the procedure than it will once it is healed. 

Unilateral: (one side) $550. Areola tattoo touchups are an additional fee. 

Bilateral: (both sides) $900. Areola tattoo touchups are an additional fee. 

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